What are the recommended PC requirements?
A PC that can comfortably run GTA 5 vanilla at a decent FPS. Since GTA5 Redux improves graphics expect a frame drop of around 5-15 FPS (depending on ReShare option selected) compared with the vanilla version. See requirements for more info.
How do I install GTA 5 Redux?
Follow the installation instructions found here.
Can I Play GTA5 Redux Online?
Short Answer: No, it will get you banned.
Long Answer: GTA 5 Redux is single-player only. ScriptHookV will prevent you from playing online if you try, this will prevent you from accidentally getting banned.
Can this mod be installed on Xbox or PlayStation?
Can I install other mods alongside GTA 5 Redux?
Maybe. We can not guarantee that every other mod will work or not with GTA5 Redux. It is trial and error.
Can I use a Cracked/Pirated version of GTA 5?
While it should be possible we do NOT recommend, condone or support it. You can purchase GTA 5 through Steam or the Rockstar Warehouse.
What happened to Josh Romito?
After releasing GTA 5 Redux Josh decided to focus on other areas in his personal life and left the project. Leaving it to Daniel Gibbs the head developer of LinuxGSM. Daniel originally stepping in to assist Josh with hosting the website and downloads after struggling with initial release because of high traffic. However, with Josh’s departure, Daniel decided to maintain the website and keep the mod available because of its high demand. Now along with other community volunteers, the mod is maintained and updated to keep it working with new updates of GTA V.