OpenIV Ceasing Development

UPDATE: OpenIV is back!!


As you may be aware that OpenIV has received a cease and deist. GTA 5 Redux does require this to work and I am unsure how long GTA 5 Redux will continue to function but we will see.

I hope that Take Two comes up with a solution to allow mods to flourish for GTA 5 similar to other games like Skyrim.

There are things you can do to help and I am aware of a petition etc…but im sure you have read the articles by now

Since I am only a care taker of GTA 5 Redux and not a GTA V mod developer, I am relying on you the community to keep me informed and let me know of anything I can do to assist in keeping GTA 5 Redux alive. If there is anyone who wishes to help or has advise please feel free contact me.

In the mean time here is a link to OpenIV 2.9
